Friday, October 3, 2014

SOAR - Why You Are The Best You There Is

If I could be honest I’m terrified.

There’s a lotta things I ain’t done before.
And there’s a lotta things I ask God why
Fear intimidates me like a matador
Spread my wings, spread my wings, 
I know for sure that I’m ready to soar
Dimond rings, fancy things,
They’re looking nicer than before
But what meaning does it have in the kingdom 
Nothing not even a grain of rice,
My lyrical intimacy is colder than a block of ice
This stress is getting to my head. And I’m procrastinating all the time
Sometimes I just wish I was dead. But I’m not so I write it in this rhyme.
This book and work and school and friends are making me wish I could cry in a corner.
Don’t forget I gotta get into a great college if I ever expect to fit in this warped world’s order. 
Stack all of that on the fact that I've had anxiety attacks a whole lot more lately,
and now I’m getting nervous thinking about what I have to do daily.
It’s why instead of doing my responsibilities, 
I retreat to what isn’t new to me
And write down everything I feel believing this is all a scheme,
for me to finally crack.
I hope I can stay sane, cause I’m lifting off the floor.
Forget the old life I had, I’m aiming higher. I'm trying to soar.

     What up? I'm back again. Instead of talking about myself, let's talk about something great. Let's talk about you. This time I want to tell YOU how much worth you have. You are so much better than they tell you that you are on TV. If some random person on Instagram told you that you were a 7/10, I'm here to tell you that you are a 10/10. How can I say that? Well because nobody makes a better you, than you.
     I don't think people realize how insecure I used to be. I would literally not go places because I felt ashamed of the way I looked. I tried WAY too hard to get girls to like me, so that I could ignore them and tell myself I could do better. Yeah, I know, a total dirtbag move. That's not how you treat girls, just for future reference, guys. You aren't defined by the number of girls that like you, and girls, you aren't defined by the number of guys you can get to flirt with you. Stop it. None of you have to stoop that low, you are better than that. But sometimes we don't realize it. I think we even do this subconsciously. We feel like we need to prove ourselves so that we can feel like the "cool kids".
     You might not can tell, but the people you see that seem so cool, are probably the ones that feel the most insecure. They have the deepest problems. They have built a huge barrier of fake self-worth around their insecurity. They are the ones that always talk about who likes them all the time. I used to do that a lot. I used to be the one who tried so hard to get girl's attention that I ended up looking stupid. What it boiled down to was I was searching for affirmation in girls and other people, instead of embracing who I was. I always wanted to look better. There was always something I was wanting to get so that "maybe now I can be cool". I didn't realize that I was the best 'me' out there! If a girl was going to like a fake version of myself, then she wasn't really liking me. And if you're foundation starts out on a throne of lies, the whole masterpiece will be ruined.
     Back to my point, I am the best Luke Anthony Boyd out there! (Unless there is someone else with the exact same name. Sorry man. No hard feelings.) After a while I was like, "you know what? I like all my freckles. And if I like them, can't nobody tell me NOTHING. I love my toothpick-shaped body. I LOVE MY BABY FACE."

There you go. 

Just scream it out.

     Scream out that you love yourself. It's not bragging, it's being comfortable in what God gave you. For real, you aren't getting another body. You can't change the way you look (At least for the better. Sorry plastic surgery. You freak me out.) So why spend your life complaining about it? 

EMBRACE WHAT YOU GOT. (yeah, grammar was never my strongest subject.)

Forget all the ads and magazines telling you that all you have to do is buy "this" or buy "that", wear "this", wear "that". You are perfect already. Girls, you don't look like Beyonce? I'm glad. Because you look like you. 10/10. Don't change. Guys, you aren't as cool as Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love? Who cares. Being you is the coolest you there will ever be.

Okay, is this turning into a cheesy rant? I'm sorry.

My point is, you were made to soar. Once I quite trying to be like other people, accepted who I was, and embraced every part of me, I became joyful. So can you. Your soul is the most important thing. Why cry about what's temporary? (Double meaning. Ohhhhhh!) In 150 years from now, your soul is all you will have. Deal with it. Be who God made you to be and quit whining about it. Go out and soar. Enter the boundless mysteries of life and soar without a worry in the world. 

You are you. Embrace it. Fight your sin nature. And love people.

I lie to myself a lot,
Freedom From Me,

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