Dear Friend, (Poem)
All you seem to care about is your friend’s opinions. As if they’re the master of your life?/
Seriously, you’re turning into a jerk. Your excuse for everything is to just laugh it off passing around high fives./
What’s funny is even though I’m telling you all this, you won’t care. You won’t do anything about it./
You might even text your friends and tell them how stupid I’m sounding/
That still won’t change the fact that it’s true./
Girls won’t solve your problems. Still you think about them 24 hours a day, I do too./
Every guy does. But just know, instant pleasure won’t be enough./
After that, you’ll only find guilt. Unless you take the time to invest in one girl, the way God set it up./
But HOLD UP. It's getting pretty old telling you the same old things every Christian parent tells their kid. In fact, why do I even mention God to you?
The only time you ever mention Him is on Facebook, so that you can impress your friends./
Or maybe you act deep and spiritual around girls? Really it’s only so that you can impress them./
Although you don’t want to think about that, because then you might start feeling guilty./
I get it. Just close yours eyes and think clean thoughts, then maybe you won’t be so filthy/
We’ve all been through what you’re in. It’s hard to avoid, like a train avoiding a train station/
It’s funny, one of the strongest forces in the universe doesn’t actually exist. It is only a figment of our imagination/
We let it creep inside of us. Satan slowly pushes it inside our brains, down into our very souls./
Peer pressure can destroy a person, despite what you’ve been told./
All your life you said, “Psshh I would never let other people’s opinions decide for me.”/
The weird thing is, they are starting to make sense. I mean, what makes calling him a douche bag so unholy?/
He is, after all, acting like one./
We don’t ever take into consideration that he goes home, thinking about what others have done/
Even though he seems ok, there’s a dark secret underneath that distorted depiction/
He thinks he can solve everything by taking that pain out through addiction./
Just like you.
Oh, we haven’t even had the chance to cover your addiction. Perhaps you’re not… or, well, at least you wouldn’t classify it as an “addiction”./
You aren’t like that one person who was sent to rehab because he couldn’t function/
At least not yet…
“Haha yeah, like THAT will ever happen.”
Remember back when you were little? And you always thought teenagers were cool and had everything figured out?/
You would always think that being one was so far into the future and well… Guess what? You’re one now./
…Kind of like how you laugh off the fact that you’re becoming the same tool your parents and old buddies used to warn you about?/
Ya, exactly.
It’s going to sneak up behind you. You won’t be able to stop it, because it will be too late./
In the split moment of embarrassment where you just got caught in the act, and everyone’s uplifted opinions of you come shattering to the ground, you’ll be asking how this became your fate./
You will look back and realize that your story now belongs with all the other stories from teenagers who lost a big part of themselves to social, mental, and physical slavery./
And you won’t even know how it happened. But your blindness didn’t stop the walls from caving/
...I can tell you’re bored so you can stop reading now...
Then again, this message intrigues you. You don’t want to admit anything because you still see yourself as a good person./
But why listen to me? I’m just another teenager who’s got an anxiety problem/
It isn’t like this happens to everybody…
I say all of this because I care about you.
Because you’re a son of God who’s been made new./
I love you, but I hope the Lord breaks you./
From your closest friend,
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